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Monitors are the core of Phare Uptime, they are used to monitor the availability of your website and servers, and send you alerts when something goes wrong. Monitors can perform three types of checks to determine if your website or server is online and working as expected: HTTP(s), TCP, and UDP.


An HTTP(s) request is sent to your website, Phare Uptime check the response status code and the presence of an optional keyword in the response body to determine if your website is online and working. Additionally, you can activate SSL certificate monitoring to get alerted when your SSL certificate is expired or misconfigured.


A TCP or UDP connection is established with your server, Phare Uptime sends a fixed string and waits for a response to determine if your server is online and working as expected.


You can configure the interval at which Phare Uptime will send requests to your website or server. The default interval is 1 minute, but you can configure it to be 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes.

Confirmations & recovery

Phare Uptime uses a confirmation system to avoid false positives. A monitor is marked as down or recovered only after a certain number of consecutive failures / successes. The default number of confirmations is 2, but you can configure it to be anything between 1 (immediate confirmation) and 5 confirmations.


Phare Uptime provide 6 regions around the world to monitor your website or server from different locations. You can choose to monitor your website or server from a single region, or from multiple regions. Using at least two regions is recommended to avoid false positives.

Alert policy

Phare Uptime provides a powerful alerting system to notify your team members of an incident based on alert policies. You can attach a different alert policy to each monitor, and you can create as many alert policies as you want.