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Weekly changelog #9

Published on May 19, 2023 at 21:39

It's friday, the new day of the week for the release of the weekly changelog! This week I've been working on a few different things, but the main focus was on the billing infrastructure. I've also created a new documentation page for the integrations, and Phare has reached a great milestone.

Multi-quota billing alerts

A fairly technical feature, but important for the future of the platform. With the release of the SMS integration last week Phare now has 2 different billing quotas: SMS alerts and monitoring events. The billing alert system, that is responsible for sending you emails when a quota exhausted, was the last piece of the billing infrastructure that only supported Monitoring events.

In simpler terms, Phare now has all the required foundation to bill anything, as part of a monthly plan or as additional usage. New feature will not require work on the billing infrastructure anymore, allowing me to ship faster!

Multi-quota alerts

Integrations documentation

The documentation for the integrations has been created, mostly to include information on the new SMS integration. You can find a few tips on configuration, supported country, the address email and phone numbers we use to send alerts, and much more.

Integration documentation

10 Millions monitoring checks

A nice milestone achieved this week, Phare has executed more than 10 millions checks since its launch. I'm happy to see that the platform is slowly growing, and I'm looking forward to the next milestone.

As always a few bugs have been fixed, and the platform has been improved in many small ways. I'm looking forward to next few weeks as I'm working on a few big features that will be released soon. Stay tuned!