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Weekly changelog #6

Published on April 09, 2023 at 22:10

End of beta

With 3.5M checks successfully performed, 272 incidents reported, and 639 notifications sent, I can confidently say all system are stable enough to end the beta program. The last 6 week have been productive, with lot of features and improvement on the platform, and I heard a public launch might happen early may!

If you would like to support Phare's launch on ProductHunt, you can subscribe here to get notified.

Paid plan activation

With the end of the beta program, the payment integration have been activated, which mean no more unlimited usage on the free plan! I spent most of this week making sure the billing system was working as expected, and that monitoring events are fairly reported every month.

New partnership

Phare joined force with a cool new partner, I will not spoil it here 🤫. The official announcement will be made on Twitter and LinkedIn on April 11th.

New products name

All Phare product were advertised with a Min prefix, like MinUptime or MinSecurity. The prefix got removed as it felt more straightforward, it's also a bit less fun but will be better for SEO and overall comprehension. The two existing landing pages got refreshed to replace all the names and mentions of the beta program.

New product name

(ok, this was just an excuse to add a screenshot).