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Weekly changelog #3

Published on March 19, 2023 at 18:26

For the first time, all changes were finished before late at night on Sunday, and one of the most anticipated feature is here: members management!

Members management

It is now possible to invite your colleagues to your Phare organization, all accounts have unlimited numbers, the more, the merrier.

Phare members management

You can easily assign members to projects, and choose who has access to a project on creation.

Phare project with members

For now all members can perform every possible action in the scope of their respective project. More granular role management will come later.

Improved billing

Billing is not active on Phare during the private beta, giving time to make sure everything is simple and work as expected. Wording around plans, billing, and quotas have been reviewed and changed to make things easier to understand. The offer is also simplified with a limited free (Hobby) plan, and a single paid (Scale) plan. The paid plan, as the name suggest, grow with your organization needs thanks to additional quotas that can be configured.

A detailed pricing calculator is now available on a new pricing page.

The billing page present a fresh look with more detailed information on included and additional usage for all products:

Phare billing management

New landing page

The Phare landing page received a small makeover, a new marketing-oriented page has been created to present the Phare Uptime product with more details.

Go check out the new Phare Uptime landing page.